How Long Does an Insurance Company Have to Settle a Claim in Arizona?
If you or a loved one has been in a car accident in Arizona, then you know just how lengthy and tedious the insurance process can be. When you’re waiting for compensation for damages, it can feel as though you have been waiting forever.
So how long does an insurance company have to settle a claim in Arizona? As Phoenix’s top personal injury attorneys, we’re going to reveal everything you need to know in today’s blog post.
The Insurance Timeline in Arizona
After an accident claim has been filed, insurance companies have 40 days to settle it. However, there are additional steps that must be completed before that happens. Check out the Arizona insurance timeline below:
- Within the first 10 days, insurance companies must acknowledge the claim and send the policyholder the associated paperwork (including proof-of-loss forms).
- Over the next 15 days, companies must decide on the claim after reviewing the completed proof-of-loss forms.
- In the following 15 days, companies must make the final payment on the approved claim.
Requirements for Settling a Personal Injury Lawsuit
If you or a loved one has experience with a personal injury lawsuit, then you know that it can take time to settle. Wondering if there’s a way to expedite the process? Here are some measures you can take:
- Gather evidence. After the accident, make sure to take photos and document all details. This will serve as evidence to establish the facts of the case and prove the timeline of events.
- Submit complete information. The insurance company needs all relevant information pertaining to the case in order to make quick decisions.
- Communicate consistently and timely. You should respond promptly to all communications made by the insurance company. This will help the process move forward as quickly as possible. However, it is essential that you run all communications by your personal injury attorney first, as you don’t want to say anything that might jeopardize your case.
Best Personal Injury Attorneys in Phoenix, AZ
So, how long does an insurance company have to settle a claim in Arizona? Hopefully, this blog post was able to provide the answer. However, regardless of the duration, filing an insurance claim can be a long and overbearing process. The best way to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve is to enlist the help of a personal injury attorney.
If you or a loved one is seeking a personal injury attorney in Phoenix, look no further than The Law Office of Zayed Al-Sayyed. Not only are we well-versed in Arizona law, but we’re able to combat the sneaky tactics insurance companies often use in an attempt to devalue your claim.
After suffering from an accident resulting in injury or property damage, the last thing you should worry about is losing compensation at the hands of an insurance company. With our team by our side, you can rest assured that we will fight to get the compensation you deserve. Contact our team today to request your free consultation.

What Happens When You Get a DUI in Arizona?
If you or a loved one has recently been pulled over after driving under the influence, you might be asking yourself this difficult question. Fortunately, the legal team at The Law Office of Zayed Al-Sayyed has answers. Keep reading to find out everything you need to know about what happens when you get a DUI in Arizona.
What Is a DUI?
Before we cover what happens when you get a DUI in Arizona, let’s make sure we’re on the same page about what a DUI is. In Arizona, driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs means that:
- – You are driving with a blood-alcohol content (BAC) of 0.08 or higher; or
- – You are driving while impaired by alcohol or drugs even to the slightest degree and even if you have a low BAC.
Therefore, you can be driving “safely” and still receive a DUI if an officer decides to pull you over and discovers that your BAC is above 0.08 percent. Similarly, you can be charged with a DUI if you are driving recklessly, even if your BAC is below the legal limit.
Penalties For a First-Time DUI in Arizona
In Arizona, all first-time DUIs are classified as class-1 misdemeanors. As a result, they carry the following charges:
- – 90-day revocation of your license;
- – An ignition interlock device (IID) for 1 year;
- – Drug and alcohol screening, education, or treatment;
- – Traffic survival school course; and
- – Possibly community service
Additionally, you will encounter the following:
- – BAC .08 to .149 – 10 days in jail and at least $1,250 in fines and surcharges.
- – BAC .15 to .199 – 30 consecutive days in jail and about $2,500 in fines and surcharges.
- – BAC .20 or higher – 45 days in jail and at least $2,750 in fines and surcharges.
Defense Strategies for DUIs
There are many defense strategies that your criminal defense attorney can use to get your DUI case dropped. Here are some common examples:
- – Defendant was not in physical control of the vehicle.
- – Police officers had no reasonable suspicion to make the traffic stop.
- – Instructions the police gave for sobriety tests were wrong.
- – Arrest was not based on probable cause.
- – Breath test was conducted without a 15-minute observation period.
- – The breathalyzer was inaccurate.
- – Blood test samples were contaminated.
- – Defendant suffered from a medical condition that caused the breathalyzer to return inaccurate results.
Best Criminal Defense Attorneys in Phoenix
If you or a loved one has been arrested for a DUI in Arizona, our skilled legal team can help. There are many types of DUI cases in Arizona. With ample experience in criminal law, our team can assess the charge you’re facing, explain the associated penalties, and provide the best strategy for your specific defense.
Working with a reputable criminal defense attorney will ensure that your DUI charges yield the best possible outcome. If you’re ready to put your best foot forward, contact our team for your complimentary, no-obligation consultation today.

Does Insurance Follow the Car or the Driver in Arizona?
Is a buddy asking to borrow your car? Planning on loaning your car to a friend? Before you hand over the keys, you should probably ask yourself: does insurance follow the car or the driver in Arizona?
In Arizona, when you let someone else drive your car, you’re essentially loaning them your auto insurance. Want to know what we mean by that? Keep reading, as today’s blog post is going to cover everything you need to know.
The Omnibus Clause
So, does insurance follow the car or the driver in Arizona? Well, thanks to the “omnibus clause,” most auto policies will cover someone else driving your vehicle if they have a valid driver’s license. Usually, this clause applies to family members within your same household and dependent children living away from home. Of course, they must have your permission to drive first.
Under the “omnibus clause,” your insurance company will cover any damages that your friend causes while driving your car. Of course, those damages will only be covered up to your policy’s limits, and you are still responsible for paying the deductible and any additional costs.
What to Look For
Although you are technically covered, there are a couple of things you should confirm before loaning your car to a friend:
- Your insurance policy. Make sure you’re comfortable with your coverage limits. Also, check to make sure your policy covers other drivers of your car.
- Your friend’s driver’s license and insurance policy. Before your friend drives your car, you need to make sure they have a valid driver’s license and insurance policy. If they don’t have insurance and the damages exceed your insurance’s limits, you will be held liable for all remaining costs.
- Your proof of insurance and registration. Your friend needs to be able to locate both within your vehicle.
Additionally, we recommend assessing whether your friend is comfortable driving your car, whether they have experience driving cars like yours, and how long they plan on using it.
Do Insurance Points Follow the Car or Driver?
In Arizona, insurance follows the car. However, the points surcharged for any accidents caused will follow the driver. Regardless of whose car you’re driving, accident points will accumulate on your driving record, which will likely increase your policy rates.
If you have questions, contact your insurance agent to better understand your company’s accident surcharge guidelines.
Best Car Accident Lawyers in Phoenix, AZ
So, does insurance follow the car or the driver in Arizona? As Phoenix’s top-rated car accident attorneys, we can attest that your insurance plan follows your car. However, navigating claims where someone else is the driver can be hard. Working with a skilled personal injury attorney helps to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.
If you or a loved one is in need of a car accident attorney, look no further than The Law Office of Zayed Al-Sayyed. Utilizing our famous Aggressive Compassionate Representation, we diligently fight for the best outcome for our clients.
Contact our team for your free, no-obligation consultation today.

Who is at Fault in a Rear-End Accident in Arizona?
Are you wondering who is at fault in a rear-end accident in Arizona? Most people would assume that it’s the fault of the driver in back. However, that’s not always the case. While the driver who did the rear-ending is often at fault, the situation is not always so black and white.
As Phoenix’s leading car accident attorneys, we have ample experience helping people navigate their car insurance claims (rear-end accidents included). Therefore, we can attest that either driver could be at fault in a rear-end collision.
Don’t lose compensation because you assume you’re at fault. Instead, keep reading to learn more about the facts surrounding rear-end accidents in Arizona.
What is a Rear-End Collision?
A rear-end accident is exactly what it sounds like. This type of accident occurs when a car fails to slow or stop in time and collides with the car in front of them. Speeding, stop-and-go traffic, distracted driving, and slippery roads are all common causes of rear-end collisions.
Can the Front Car Cause a Rear-End Collision?
Whenever the rear car slams into the front car, most people assume that the front car’s driver is not at fault. However, that’s not necessarily the case. Some rear-end collisions happen as a result of the front driver’s negligence. Here are some examples:
- The front driver suddenly stops (or stops short) in unexpected locations (like traffic lanes)
- The front driver suddenly brakes to make a turn
- The front driver changes lanes and pulls in front of a faster vehicle without signaling
- The driver backs into the front of a car (like in a parking lot or when they pull out too far in an intersection during a stoplight)
- The front car has non-working rear brake lights
- The front car breaks down and remains in an intersection without using its hazard lights or a flare to alert oncoming drivers
- The front driver is “brake checking” to ward off a tailgating driver
Determining Liability in Rear-End Accidents
So, who is at fault in a rear-end accident in Arizona? Well, it depends on the specific situation. Sometimes, the rear driver is at fault because they failed to stop in a timely manner or maintain a reasonably safe distance behind the front car.
Other times, the front driver was acting negligently. That’s why Arizona weighs the fault of both drivers when determining liability in an auto accident.
Best Car Accident Attorneys in Phoenix
If you’re asking yourself who is at fault in a rear-end accident in Arizona, then the legal team at The Law Office of Zayed Al-Sayyed can help. As Phoenix’s finest car accident attorneys, we have helped countless people receive the compensation they deserve.
By employing our famous Aggressive Compassionate Representation, we are confident in our ability to win your compensation. Whether you were the rear or front driver in a rear-end accident, we will diligently fight on your behalf until justice is served.
Ready to get started? Contact our team for your free, no-obligation consultation today.

Why Do Most Car Accidents Happen?
Did you know there were 121,345 car accidents in Arizona in 2021? This is approximately 22.45% higher than the total number of crashes in 2020, and unfortunately, statistics show those numbers will likely continue to rise.
Car accidents can occur as a result of many reasons. But what’s usually the cause? As expert car accident attorneys, we can attest that knowing the leading causes of accidents is the easiest way to prevent them. So, before you start typing ‘why do most car accidents happen’ into your search bar, check out this blog post to find out.
If you ask yourself ‘why do most car accidents happen,’ speeding is probably one of the first reasons to come to mind. Because a driver’s reaction time and ability to control their vehicle are reduced, the risk of dying in a car crash doubles with every 10 mph of increased speed.
Impaired Driving
Impaired driving refers to driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Because alcohol consumption reduces brain function, impairs thinking, diminishes reasoning, and decreases muscle coordination, alcohol-related crashes accounted for 4.63% of all crashes and 20.23% of all fatal crashes in 2021.
Distracted drivers are another cause of car accidents in Arizona. Typically, distractions consist of sending text messages, talking on your cell phone, or using a navigation system. In Arizona, it is illegal to talk or text on a cell phone while driving (unless it is in hands-free mode). However, even legal activities such as eating while driving can distract drivers enough to cause an accident.
Car Accident Personal Injury Claims
Why do most car accidents happen? Distracted driving and speeding are the most common causes across the nation. However, regardless of the cause, getting into an accident often has a life-changing impact on victims and their families.
While nothing can make up for the trauma car accidents cause, filing a personal injury claim can lighten the stressful burdens of medical expenses, rehabilitation costs, loss of career and related wages, and reduced quality of life.
Unsure of how to navigate the claims process? That’s what The Law Office of Zayed Al-Sayyed is here for. Our expert personal injury attorneys will diligently represent your case and work to pursue the maximum allowable compensation for your injuries.
Call a Car Accident Attorney in Phoenix, AZ
Regardless of how accidents happen, navigating the aftermath can be overwhelming, confusing, and downright frustrating. The best way to ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve is to enlist the help of an experienced car accident attorney.
If you or a loved one has been in a car accident in Phoenix, our team is here for you. Our car accident attorneys are well-versed in Arizona traffic law and have ample experience navigating insurance claims. We are passionate about fighting for your well-being and we won’t stop until you receive the compensation you deserve.
Contact our team to request your free, no-obligation consultation today.

What is the Average Settlement For a Car Accident in Arizona?
During the aftermath of an Arizona car accident, it’s only natural to wonder how much money you can expect to receive for your injuries and damages. In fact, one of the most common questions we hear as car accident attorneys is “what is the average settlement for a car accident in Arizona?”
While the average settlement amount for Arizona car accidents ranges from $10,000 to $30,000, the amount you will receive depends on many factors. As your attorney, we cannot anticipate the exact amount of compensation you will get. We can, however, advise you on the factors that will play a role in your settlement amount.
Factors to Consider in an Arizona Car Accident
Did you know that car accident cases have settled for upwards of a million dollars? If that’s the case, why is the average settlement for a car accident in Arizona under $30,000? Allow us to explain.
The settlement amount you will receive is largely dependent on the severity of your injuries, in addition to other key factors that the insurance company or jury will need to consider when making their decision. Here are some of the factors that may determine your settlement amount:
- Insurance policy limits
- Medical expenses
- Lost wages
- Severity of the injuries
- Property damages
- Whether you were at fault in the accident
Types of Damages in Car Accident Cases
When you’ve been in a car accident, there are often a range of different damages you can face from lost income and hospital bills to depression and reduced quality of life. In Arizona, these various damages are summed up into three types of damages you could recover in a car accident claim:
- Economic Damages – This type of damages covers monetary losses that occur as a result of the accident, like medical expenses, lost wages, and property damage.
- Non-Economic Damages – This type of damages covers non-monetary losses that the plaintiff faces as a direct result of the accident, including both physical and mental forms of pain and suffering.
- Punitive Damages – This is the least common form of damages and comes into play if the defendant is found to have acted intentionally or with gross negligence.
Trusted Phoenix Car Accident Attorneys
When you’ve been involved in an accident, the last thing you want to worry about is how you’re going to pay for your mortgage or groceries on top of medical bills. To ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve, it’s essential to work with an experienced personal injury attorney who can guide you through the claims process.
If you or a loved one have been injured in a car accident due to the negligence of someone else, our Phoenix car accident attorneys are here to support you. With our Aggressive Compassionate Representation, you can depend on our dedicated team to fight aggressively on your behalf while treating you with the compassion and respect you deserve.
Contact us today for a free consultation with a personal injury attorney.

How Is Pain and Suffering Calculated in Arizona?
When an individual gets involved in an accident due to the negligence of someone else, they have the power to seek compensation for their property damages, lost wages, and medical expenses. However, many people believe that they should also receive compensation for the physical and emotional pain they faced as a result of the accident.
It’s tough to put a price tag on pain and suffering the same way you can calculate the cost of hospital bills. This often leads to tremendous confusion surrounding pain and suffering in Arizona, which can make it easy for insurance companies to take advantage of the victim. So how is pain and suffering calculated in Arizona? Let’s break it down.
What is Pain and Suffering?
After suffering an injury in an accident, there are two types of pain and suffering that victims experience to some degree. They can be broken down as follows:
- Physical – This involves the physical pain associated with the victim’s injuries, both following the accident and that is expected to continue long-term.
- Mental – This includes the mental and emotional pain that comes as a direct result of the accident, including anger, fear, anxiety, sadness, and humiliation.
Types of Damages in Arizona
In Arizona, the damages involved in a personal injury case are typically either economic or non-economic damages. There is a third type referred to as punitive damages, which are designed to punish the defendant and are only awarded in rare cases where the defendant is found to have acted with an evil hand and mind.
- Economic Damages – These are meant to compensate the victim for the monetary losses associated with the accident, like lost wages and medical expenses.
- Non-Economic Damages – These are meant to compensate the victim for any non-monetary losses associated with the accident and are where pain and suffering enters the equation.
Because there isn’t a bill or receipt to refer to, non-economic damages are more difficult to calculate. How do you put a price tag on someone’s pain and suffering? It all comes down to your ability to show proof of the pain you suffered.
Ways to Prove Pain and Suffering
In Arizona, the courts want to compensate accident victims for their pain and suffering. They look at several factors to calculate the right compensation amount, including the type of injury, treatment, recovery time, and permanence of the injury.
When you work with a Phoenix personal injury attorney to prove your claim, there are several things they might request to help improve your chances. Here are some of the most common ways to prove pain and suffering in Arizona:
- A written statement from a mental health professional
- Testimony from friends and family
- A diary or injury journal
- Medical records (including prescription history)
- Your personal testimony
Reliable Phoenix Personal Injury Attorneys
If you came here wondering “how is pain and suffering calculated in Arizona,” we hope that this post helped to give you a deeper level of understanding on the matter. Whether you or a loved one have been involved in an accident, our skilled personal injury attorneys are here to support you through the claims process.
When you work with our team, you can rest assured that Arizona’s top personal injury lawyers are fighting tirelessly to get the compensation that you deserve. Contact our team for a free consultation today and begin filing your personal injury claim.

What To Do After a Car Accident in Arizona
Learning what to do after a car accident in Arizona is important in saving you from further stress and hassle in the future. Car accidents are traumatic for all those involved, no matter the scale or repercussions. After getting into an accident, it’s easy to become overwhelmed and unsure of what to do.
The skilled car accident attorneys at The Law Office of Zayed Al-Sayyed have compiled this simple guide on what to do after a car accident in Arizona to help guide you through the aftermath. Keep reading to learn everything you need to know.
What To Do Immediately After An Arizona Car Accident
Below you can find advice on what to do immediately following an Arizona car accident.
Stop your vehicle.
A hit-and-run is never good for either party involved in a car accident. Penalties for such actions can amount anywhere from 30 days to more than 12 years in jail. Regardless of how uncomfortable you may feel, the best course of action is to stop immediately and handle the situation.
Check to see if anyone was hurt.
While you may be experiencing a million thoughts at once, it’s crucial to check yourself and the other passengers for any injuries. Arizona state law requires that those involved in an injury-related crash render assistance or call an ambulance.
Call the police.
Even if it was only a minor accident in your eyes, you should always call the police. Reports for injuries and property damage are essential to have on record for possible insurance claims or lawsuits. Share every detail you can remember with the officer who arrives on the scene.
Exchange information and collect evidence.
Don’t forget to exchange your name, address, license, and vehicle registration number with the other driver. Not only is it the law, but this information will prove invaluable if you decide to take legal action for the damage that occurred. Verify the other driver’s information by asking to see their driver’s license and insurance card. During this time, you should also take as many photos as possible and get witness statements if you can.
Addressing the Aftermath of a Car Accident in Arizona
Before speaking with any insurance providers, you should always contact an experienced car accident attorney. This is the most critical step in the aftermath of a car accident, regardless of who was at fault. Insurance adjusters are ruthless when it comes to taking advantage of accident victims, so it’s best to allow your lawyer to speak with them on your behalf to ensure that your best interests are looked out for.
When you meet with your Arizona car accident attorney, be sure to give them all of the evidence you have collected. There is no such thing as too much evidence, and this allows your lawyer to get a better picture of what happened and how to strategize for your case.
Call A Top Arizona Car Accident Attorney Today
With the proper knowledge of what to do after a car accident in Arizona, you can now approach any future incident with the assurance that you are following the correct course of action to protect yourself and everyone involved.
If you find yourself searching for a skilled attorney to navigate a car accident, look no further than the Law Office of Zayed Al-Sayyed. Contact our team today to request a free consultation and take advantage of the Aggressive Compassionate Representation our clients know us for.

How Do I Get an Accident Report in Phoenix, AZ?
For Phoenix locals involved in a casualty on the road, it’s common to wonder ‘how do I get an accident report in Phoenix, AZ?’ If you were involved in an Arizona car accident that resulted in injuries or over $2,000 in property damage, there should be a police report on file that you can reference. However, you can choose to file a report even without these circumstances, which many people choose to do for protection.
Regardless of the extent of your injuries, it’s important to get a copy of your accident report. This can be incredibly helpful for insurance purposes in the event of a claim and is a valuable piece of evidence that your attorney will need to have in their possession. In today’s post, we are providing advice on how to get an accident report in Phoenix.
Filing An Arizona Car Accident Report
Under Arizona state law, you are required to report any accident involving an injury or death. If the police chooses to investigate, an accident report is then completed if death, injury, or more than $2,000 of property damage occurred. In this police report, you can find the following information about the accident:
- Time and date
- Location
- Identification of all parties involved
- A description of the scene
- Investigating officer’s name and information
How to Get a Copy of an Accident Report in Phoenix, AZ
It’s easier than you may think to acquire a copy of your accident report. Sometimes, the reporting officer will provide it to you at the scene. If not, make sure to take down their name and badge number for later. Give your local law office a few days to get everything filed and then reach out to request your copy of the accident report.
If the Arizona Highway Patrol was the first responder, you can also find this document online at the Records Unit of the AZ Department of Public Safety. Complete a request form along with a small fee of $9, then you can obtain a copy to use for a claim.
Using an Accident Report to Support Your Claim in Arizona
When first notified of your claim, an insurance adjuster will take a look at a police accident report. Upon investigation, if they find you partially at fault, they may offer a low settlement. However, we don’t recommend accepting any settlement without first consulting with a skilled Phoenix car accident attorney.
If the police report doesn’t state who is at fault, it is up to the lawyers to come to that determination. As a personal injury law firm, it is our job to prove to the insurance companies or potentially a jury that the other driver is at fault, and an accident report can help to significantly support your case during that time.
Top Car Accident Attorneys in Phoenix, AZ
If you ever find yourself in a car accident, learning how to get an accident report in Phoenix, AZ can make quite the difference in your case. This protects both you and your car from any rebuttals potentially made by the other driver or discrepancies with a claim down the road.
At The Law Office of Zayed Al-Sayyed, we utilize our famous Aggressive Compassionate Representation to fight aggressively for our clients while treating them with the utmost respect and compassion throughout the process. When you work with us, you can rest assured that we will fight to secure the compensation you deserve.
Contact us today for a free consultation with a top Phoenix car accident attorney.

How Do I Sue The State of Arizona?
When you are injured in an accident, you can typically file a personal injury lawsuit against the responsible party to receive compensation for damages you sustained. But what happens when the responsible party is a state government entity or employee?
If you have recently suffered from an accident at the hands of a government worker or entity, you may be wondering ‘how do I sue the state of Arizona?’ Filing a personal injury lawsuit against the state government is more complex than a traditional lawsuit and therefore requires the help of a skilled personal injury attorney.
Today, our legal experts are sharing everything you need to know about how to sue the state of Arizona. Stay tuned to learn more about Arizona’s Tort Claims Act and discover how to file a lawsuit against the state government.
What Can I Not Sue For?
Arizona’s Tort Claims Act outlines specific rules regarding what an individual may or may not sue the government over. There are several situations in which the Arizona state government has immunity from lawsuits, so it’s essential to be aware of these before moving forward with the claims process.
How To Sue The State of Arizona
If you want to sue the state of Arizona for an injury you have sustained due to the negligence of a government entity or employee, you must file a claim within 180 days of the date of injury. Regardless of the extent of your injuries, you can lose the ability to recover damages if you do not file within 180 days.
The best way to ensure your success is to begin the claims process immediately following your accident by reaching out to an experienced attorney. When you file your claim, it must include the following:
- A detailed description of the events
- How your injuries occurred
- The amount of money you are claiming
- Facts that support the amount you claim
Once you have filed your claim, the state has 60 days to respond. If they do not respond within this time period, the claim is considered to have been denied and you can then work with your personal injury attorney to file a lawsuit in court.
Trusted Phoenix Personal Injury Attorneys
If you came here wondering “how do I sue the state of Arizona,” we hope that this guide clarified the process for you. If you or a loved one have been involved in an accident due to the negligence of a government entity or employee, our Phoenix personal injury attorneys are here for you. While filing a lawsuit against the state can be a complicated process, it’s much easier with legal experts by your side from start to finish.
With our Aggressive Compassionate Representation, you can count on our team to fight aggressively on your behalf while treating you with the compassion and respect you deserve. We will do everything in our power to ensure a successful outcome for you and your family. Contact us today for a free consultation with a personal injury attorney.