What Are the Main Causes of Motorcycle Accidents?
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, motorcycles accounted for just 3 percent of all registered vehicles in the United States in 2019. Nevertheless, motorcyclists made up 14 percent of all traffic deaths. While riding a motorcycle is inherently risky, there are ways to protect yourself.
Here at The Law Office of Zayed Al-Sayyed, we specialize in helping people file personal injury claims resulting from motorcycle accidents. In the event of an accident, we can help to ensure that you get the compensation you deserve. However, there are ways you can avoid getting into an accident altogether.
By now you may be wondering, what are the main causes of motorcycle accidents? Keep reading, as our legal experts are answering that very question down below.
Here are the top 3 main causes of motorcycle accidents:
Cars Making Left Turns
One of the main causes of motorcycle accidents occurs when a car turns left in front of a motorcycle. Simply put, the best way to avoid this sort of accident is to see it coming. Both drivers and motorcyclists should keep their eyes peeled at all times and slow down when driving through intersections.
While car drivers are used to accommodating other cars, they don’t always see motorcycles in the way. Therefore, motorcyclists should drive defensively and slow down as much as possible through intersections. For your own safety, it is best to always assume that a car will be turning left at some point.
Lane Splitting
Most of us have seen it: there is still or slow-moving traffic on the highway and a motorcycle is snaking its way between two lanes of cars. Now if you think this looks dangerous, you’re absolutely right. Weaving between cars is called lane splitting and it is another main cause of motorcycle accidents.
Most car drivers aren’t expecting someone to pass them in slow or stopped traffic, and motorcycles are easily obstructed in a car’s blind spot. Additionally, there isn’t a lot of room for motorcyclists to maneuver when they are weaving between cars. Both of these factors combined make it a big risk for potential motorcycle accidents.
Lane-Switching Accidents
The third main cause of motorcycle accidents is switching lanes. As we mentioned, motorcyclists often follow in a car’s blind spot, so they are often unseen by drivers attempting to switch lanes.
To prevent lane-switching accidents from occurring, motorcyclists should avoiding riding in a car’s blind spot and should be on the lookout for signs of a potential merge (a car’s blinker, for example). As a motorcyclist, it’s good practice to check and see if the car driver’s face is visible to you in your side mirror. If so, then the driver can most likely see you as well.
Best Motorcycle Accident Lawyers in Phoenix, AZ
As unfortunate as they are, motorcycle accidents are quite common—especially in states like Arizona with high numbers of motorcycles. It’s essential to familiarize yourself with the main causes of motorcycle accidents so you can better avoid them.
If you or a loved one are filing a personal injury claim as a result of a motorcycle accident, visit our website. Our expert legal team at The Law Office of Zayed Al-Sayyed promises to relentlessly advocate on your behalf and secure the compensation you deserve. If you’re interested in a consultation, contact our team today.

Zayed Al-Sayyed
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