What Are the Main Causes of Motorcycle Accidents?
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, motorcycles accounted for just 3 percent of all registered vehicles in the United States in 2019. Nevertheless, motorcyclists made up 14 percent of all traffic deaths. While riding a motorcycle is inherently risky, there are ways to protect yourself.
Here at The Law Office of Zayed Al-Sayyed, we specialize in helping people file personal injury claims resulting from motorcycle accidents. In the event of an accident, we can help to ensure that you get the compensation you deserve. However, there are ways you can avoid getting into an accident altogether.
By now you may be wondering, what are the main causes of motorcycle accidents? Keep reading, as our legal experts are answering that very question down below.
Here are the top 3 main causes of motorcycle accidents:
Cars Making Left Turns
One of the main causes of motorcycle accidents occurs when a car turns left in front of a motorcycle. Simply put, the best way to avoid this sort of accident is to see it coming. Both drivers and motorcyclists should keep their eyes peeled at all times and slow down when driving through intersections.
While car drivers are used to accommodating other cars, they don’t always see motorcycles in the way. Therefore, motorcyclists should drive defensively and slow down as much as possible through intersections. For your own safety, it is best to always assume that a car will be turning left at some point.
Lane Splitting
Most of us have seen it: there is still or slow-moving traffic on the highway and a motorcycle is snaking its way between two lanes of cars. Now if you think this looks dangerous, you’re absolutely right. Weaving between cars is called lane splitting and it is another main cause of motorcycle accidents.
Most car drivers aren’t expecting someone to pass them in slow or stopped traffic, and motorcycles are easily obstructed in a car’s blind spot. Additionally, there isn’t a lot of room for motorcyclists to maneuver when they are weaving between cars. Both of these factors combined make it a big risk for potential motorcycle accidents.
Lane-Switching Accidents
The third main cause of motorcycle accidents is switching lanes. As we mentioned, motorcyclists often follow in a car’s blind spot, so they are often unseen by drivers attempting to switch lanes.
To prevent lane-switching accidents from occurring, motorcyclists should avoiding riding in a car’s blind spot and should be on the lookout for signs of a potential merge (a car’s blinker, for example). As a motorcyclist, it’s good practice to check and see if the car driver’s face is visible to you in your side mirror. If so, then the driver can most likely see you as well.
Best Motorcycle Accident Lawyers in Phoenix, AZ
As unfortunate as they are, motorcycle accidents are quite common—especially in states like Arizona with high numbers of motorcycles. It’s essential to familiarize yourself with the main causes of motorcycle accidents so you can better avoid them.
If you or a loved one are filing a personal injury claim as a result of a motorcycle accident, visit our website. Our expert legal team at The Law Office of Zayed Al-Sayyed promises to relentlessly advocate on your behalf and secure the compensation you deserve. If you’re interested in a consultation, contact our team today.

Steps To Take After a Pedestrian Accident
When you or a loved one are involved in a pedestrian accident, it can be an incredibly scary and difficult time. Unlike in a car-to-car accident, pedestrians don’t have any exterior protection. Therefore, not only are pedestrian accidents frightening, but they often result in serious injury and trauma.
It’s important to understand the steps to take after a pedestrian accident to ensure you are in the best position to move forward. Today, our skilled team of pedestrian accident attorneys is breaking down each of these steps for you.
Here are the steps to take after a pedestrian accident:
Check For Injuries
Are you injured? If so, where? How severely? The first step to take after a pedestrian accident is to check for injuries. Try to remain as calm as possible and determine whether or not you’re able to move safely. If you are on the road, it is important to move to a safer location (say a sidewalk) as quickly as you can.
Call Emergency Services
There is a good chance someone has already called 911, but it’s important to call for help or request that someone else make the call for you. After a pedestrian accident, it is incredibly important that a police report be filed right away. Upon their arrival, you should also get checked by paramedics (even if you don’t think you were injured).
Get the Driver’s Information
The next step to take after a pedestrian accident is to get the driver’s license plate number, name, and insurance information. When you’re exchanging information, we recommend that you don’t say too much and limit the discussion solely to data collection. It is especially important not to admit fault, which includes apologizing to the other party. An offhand, apologetic remark could easily come back to bite you later.
Collect Evidence
The more evidence you gather, the better off you will be later when seeking compensation. We recommend that you document as much as possible by taking pictures, talking to witnesses, and recording testimony. Think of it as attempting to paint a picture of the scene and the more evidence you collect will help your lawsuit later on.
Seek Medical Attention
We always advise getting checked by paramedics at the scene, however, you should also visit the hospital afterwards. Even if you don’t think you are injured, you should still have a doctor perform a proper medical examination to ensure that you don’t have internal injuries. Many injuries won’t present themselves until later and failing to get an immediate diagnosis could hurt your injury claim (and you) in the long run.
Contact an Attorney
Even if you are not seriously injured, you should always contact a personal injury attorney following a pedestrian accident. A personal injury resulting from pedestrian accidents can lead to a lengthy and complicated insurance battle that you do not want to fight alone. Hiring an experienced Phoenix pedestrian accident lawyer will alleviate some of your stress and ensure that you get the compensation you deserve.
Top Pedestrian Accident Attorneys in Phoenix, AZ
While we hope you never have to experience one firsthand, everyone needs to be aware of the proper steps to take after a pedestrian accident. If you or a loved one has experienced a pedestrian accident and is filing a personal injury claim, visit our website.
With our years of demonstrated service and aggressive compassionate representation, our legal team here at The Law Office of Zayed Al-Sayyed will ensure that you have the best shot as a positive outcome. Contact our team today for a free consultation with a member of our team.

Arizona Seat Belt Laws
When you slide into the seat of a motor vehicle, your first move should always be to click your seat belt into place. For many of us, this is an immediate instinct. For others, their car’s beeping seatbelt signal reminds them to buckle up. We know to wear our seat belts, but why? And what exactly are the Arizona seat belt laws?
Arizona seat belt laws are intended to keep drivers and passengers safe and sound while traveling in the Grand Canyon State. According to the most recent data from the NHTSA, seat belts lower the risk of serious physical injury by up to 50 percent and cut the risk of death by up to 45 percent.
Today, our car accident attorneys are explaining everything you need to know about seat belt laws in Arizona so you can stay safe and avoid fines while on the road.
Seat Belt Laws in Arizona
The driver and all front-seat passengers must wear a properly fastened chest and waist strap while traveling in this secondary seat belt state. By law, back-seat passengers are not required to wear a seat belt. However, this back-seat exception does not pertain to children.
In Arizona, all passengers under the age of 16 years must buckle up regardless of where they are seated. If you’re driving with a child and they have not fastened their seat belt, you’re responsible and law enforcement can ticket you for seat belt offenses.
Anyone traveling in the front seat of a motor vehicle should always wear a seat belt and law enforcement can ticket you if they catch you in motion without one.
Child Car Seat Requirements in Arizona
For minors between the ages of 1 and 4 years old, Arizona car seat laws require that minors should sit in a front-facing seat. Children between 5 and 7 years old should use booster seats. Once the child reaches 8 years of age, they can sit in the vehicle without a booster seat or car seat, but they must wear a seat belt at all times.
Consequences of Violating Arizona Seat Belt Laws
In Arizona, the fines for violating seat belt laws will vary depending on the number of people not using them. The first offense usually attracts a minuscule fine of $10 for each passenger. If there are any kids under the age of 5 years old in the vehicle who are not secured in a car safety seat, you’ll be subject to a minimum fine of $50 dollars.
Because Arizona is a secondary seat belt state, you cannot be pulled over solely for not wearing a seat belt. You must have committed another traffic offense first. The fines associated with Arizona seat belt laws might seem relatively minor, but if you are involved in an accident, the medical costs and losses could be much higher.
Reasons for Wearing Seat Belts
The injury and choking hazards associated with the improper use of seat belts are significantly high. It’s important to use the correct restraint for your child’s age, weight, and height. Seat belts are designed to secure drivers and passengers against the dangerous movements that could occur during a sudden stop or car crash.
Adults and children alike should wear a seat belt at all times when riding in a motor vehicle. Wearing a car seat belt could be the difference between you or a loved one walking away from an accident relatively unscathed and facing severe injuries or even death. Protect yourself, your loved ones, and other drivers on the road by buckling up.
Expert Car Accident Attorneys in Phoenix, AZ
Unfortunately, many people experience pain and suffering in car accidents, even while complying with Arizona seat belt laws. If you or someone you care about has been injured in a car accident, it’s important to consult with a skilled car accident attorney as quickly as possible.
We utilize our Aggressive Compassionate Representation to ensure that you are treated with the utmost compassion while we aggressively pursue the best outcome for your case. Contact our Phoenix car accident attorneys today for more information or to schedule a free consultation.

Is It Illegal to Jaywalk in Arizona?
Arizona leads the country in pedestrian accident fatality rates and Phoenix alone sees numerous pedestrian accidents every day. In many cases, the driver is not entirely at fault—some victims are struck while jaywalking.
Jaywalking is a colloquial term that refers to a pedestrian crossing the road where they are not legally supposed to do so. It’s a dangerous practice, yet it’s surprisingly common in Arizona and around the country. Jaywalking is risky for both drivers and pedestrians and can lead to collisions.
In many cases, the injured pedestrian can get compensation through a personal injury case even if they are partly to blame for the collision. This brings up a valid question: is it illegal to jaywalk in Arizona? What does the law say about jaywalking in Arizona? Let’s find out.
Jaywalking Laws in Arizona
Arizona’s jaywalking laws require any pedestrian to yield the right-of-way unless they are within a crosswalk. However, it is not illegal to cross a street where there are no crosswalks if there is no functional intersection in each direction.
Although jaywalking is not illegal in Arizona, it is highly dangerous because motorists are not always prepared to hit the brakes at a sudden moment. While motorists are expected to stop or slow down for pedestrians at crosswalks and intersections, they usually don’t foresee people crossing the road elsewhere.
It’s illegal to cross the road between two adjacent intersections with traffic-control signals. In these areas, pedestrians must cross the road within marked crosswalks. Depending on the city you live in, you may have more specific jaywalking laws that are unique to your area.
Can Pedestrians Be Responsible For An Accident?
It is certainly possible for pedestrians to be responsible for causing an accident. For example, intoxicated pedestrians are at fault in a significant number of fatalities and injuries in Arizona pedestrian accidents. Drugs and alcohol can impair an individual’s judgment, which often leads to fatal mistakes.
Another common cause of pedestrian accidents is pedestrians not paying attention. Many people assume that the drivers on the road would never hit them, so they feel confident walking across the street with their eyes glued to their phone.
In the event that a pedestrian accidentally strolled out in front of a car because they were busy on their smartphone, they could be at fault for the collision, even if only partially.
Comparative Negligence in Arizona
Arizona’s pedestrian accident laws rely on the comparative negligence principle. The court will listen to both parties and then allocate a percentage of liability to both sides. It’s up to the court to determine not only who is responsible, but exactly how responsible each party is.
After determining responsibility, the judge will award each party according to their percentage of liability. Arizona is one of only a few states that relies on a pure comparative negligence principle in these cases.
Under this model, compensation is awarded depending on the assigned percentage of fault as determined by the court. This means that a plaintiff could still get a percentage of the compensation even if they were 99 percent at fault. Technically, they would get 1 percent of the compensation in this case.
Top Pedestrian Accident Attorneys in Phoenix, AZ
If you or a loved one has been injured in a pedestrian accident because of the negligent actions of another party, our legal team is here to help. Our expert Phoenix pedestrian accident attorneys utilize our Aggressive Compassionate Representation to ensure that you are treated with the utmost compassion and respect while we aggressively pursue the best outcome for your case.
Contact our Phoenix pedestrian accident attorneys today for more information or to schedule a free consultation.

Arizona Personal Injury Law
If you or someone you care about has suffered an injury because of another person’s wrongdoing or negligence, you may recover damages that result from their negligence. Emotional and mental injuries may also be classified as personal injuries.
The laws for determining liability and damages vary by state, so it’s imperative to learn the basics of Arizona personal injury law if you have been injured in an accident or a loved one has sustained an injury caused by negligent or careless actions of another party.
Common Personal Injury Cases in Arizona
Different injuries can initiate a personal injury lawsuit in Arizona. Anyone who has been hurt in an accident because of someone else’s negligence can file a personal injury lawsuit against the negligent person in court.
Although a wide range of negligence-based accidents can back a personal injury claim, some types of cases are more common than others. Here are some of the most common types of personal injury cases in Arizona:
- Vehicle accidents
- Bicycle accidents
- Pedestrian accidents
- Slip/trip and fall accidents
- Sports injuries
- Animal attacks and dog bites
- Nursing home abuse
The injured person may seek compensation from the responsible person or party to help them with damages and losses incurred.
Personal Injury Compensation
In many personal injury cases, the injured party doesn’t just experience physical injuries and emotional trauma. They are also forced to deal with property damage, lost wages, and other significant losses that occur as a result of the accident.
Under Arizona personal injury law, it is common for the victim to seek compensation from the negligent party to atone for the various damages or losses they have suffered because of the accident.
Damages under personal injury law include physical, mental, and monetary sacrifices that the victim has to make because of their injury. Some of the most common types of damages include both economic and non-economic damages, such as:
- Loss of income
- Medical bills resulting from the injury
- Pain and suffering
It is imperative to establish negligence or fault to ensure you are adequately compensated for your adversity. Since each case is different, a personal injury attorney can help pursue all avenues on your behalf to ensure the maximum amount of compensation you deserve.
Wrongful Death Claims in Arizona
Wrongful death claims may result from different kinds of incidents, such as personal injury cases, vehicle collisions,, and medical malpractices, among others.
Wrongful death lawsuits in Arizona may be filed by a deceased person’s spouse, child, parent, or guardian.
After losing a spouse, the last thing you want to think about is pursuing a wrongful death lawsuit. However, this is something you should consider if you think there is a party responsible for your loved one’s death.
By partnering with an experienced wrongful death attorney in Arizona, you can increase the chances of receiving fair and just compensation to help you recover from the economic losses that resulted from the tragic loss of your loved one.
Top Personal Injury Attorneys in Phoenix, AZ
Many factors influence what constitutes fair compensation in a personal injury lawsuit in Arizona. With so many factors in play, it can seem like a daunting task if you decide to go it alone. You need a skilled Arizona personal injury attorney who can provide expert legal guidance every step of the way.
If you or a loved one has suffered from a personal injury accident, the team at The Law Office of Zayed Al-Sayyed can advocate on your behalf and secure the compensation you truly deserve. Contact our legal team today to learn more about personal injury law in Arizona or to schedule a free consultation.

Pedestrian Accidents in Arizona
Getting involved in an accident can be a traumatizing experience, but pedestrian accidents are especially frightening. Odds are you or your loved one will be grappling with a long recovery period. Between lofty medical bills and loss of income, victims of pedestrian accidents in Arizona may find themselves facing serious financial difficulties.
In this article, our experienced pedestrian accident attorneys are covering everything you need to know about pedestrian accidents in Arizona. The Law Office of Zayed Al-Sayyed aims to help you understand your legal rights and receive fair compensation for the damages and injuries caused as a result of a negligent person or party.
How Common are Pedestrian Accidents In Arizona?
Arizona has witnessed a major increase in pedestrian accident cases in recent years. Between 2014 and 2019, there were 1,202 pedestrians killed in vehicle accidents, according to the most recent data from the Arizona Department of Transportation.
Over a thousand more were severely injured, presenting themselves and their loved ones with the prospect of dealing with a long-term and debilitating condition. Data analysis shows that Arizona had the fourth-highest rate of pedestrian deaths in the US in 2018—after Florida, Louisiana, and New Mexico.
Most pedestrian accidents happen in places where people and motor vehicles share street space. These include crosswalks, intersections, and on-street parking lots. Pedestrian accidents also occur more often in the evenings and during inclement weather; aka when poor visibility is a factor.
Common Causes of Arizona Pedestrian Accidents
Pedestrian accidents in Arizona take place for a number of reasons. Some of the most common causes include the following:
- Speeding
- Driving under the influence
- Making the wrong turns
- Traffic signal violations
- Failure to yield to pedestrians
- Driving while tired or drowsy
- Bad road and/or weather conditions
- Texting and driving
While you cannot control what other drivers do on the road, you should exercise caution for your own safety and for the safety of those around you. Pedestrian injuries can be fatal or result in damages including physical injuries, lost wages, and high medical bills.
Common Injuries in Pedestrian Accidents
Pedestrian injuries are often debilitating because an individual cannot withstand the impact of a motor vehicle collision. Being hit by an automobile can cause serious injuries, such as:
- Bruises, burns, and road rash
- Extensive bleeding/internal bleeding
- Deep cuts and lacerations
- Head injuries
- Facial or dental injuries
- Spinal cord injuries like paralysis
- Orthopedic injuries like broken bones
- Brain damage or memory loss
- Wrongful death
If you or someone else has been involved in a pedestrian-vehicle collision, the first step is to seek emergency medical attention. Once the injuries have been identified and treated, it’s imperative to gather evidence to prove the cause and severity of your injuries.
It’s also important to consult with an experienced attorney as soon as you’re able. Each case is unique, so your attorney will offer advice based on your specific case. This may include tracking damages, collecting witness statements, limiting social media activity, and directing all correspondence from your insurance provider to your personal injury lawyer.
Top Pedestrian Accident Attorneys in Phoenix, AZ
If you or a loved one has been injured in a recent accident, our skilled pedestrian accident attorneys are here to support you through this painful time. We employ our Aggressive Compassionate Representation to ensure that you are treated with the utmost compassion while we aggressively pursue the best outcome for your case.
Contact our Phoenix pedestrian accident attorneys today for more information or to schedule a free consultation.

5 Reasons to Hire a Car Accident Lawyer After Your Accident
Getting involved in a car accident can be an incredibly scary and stressful situation. Oftentimes, accidents result in painful injuries, property damage, and costly medical bills. If you were involved in a car accident due to someone else’s negligence, it’s essential to consult with a car accident lawyer to support you through the legal process.
There are many reasons to hire a car accident lawyer after your accident. From helping you understand the damages of your accident to negotiating with insurance companies, your attorney will serve as the advocate fighting in your corner.
Today, our team at The Law Office of Zayed Al-Sayyed is explaining some of the top reasons to hire a car accident lawyer after your accident. Not sure yet? Keep reading!
Understanding of the Law
Dealing with a personal injury claim without the help of a professional can be confusing, stressful, and will likely result in getting a much lower compensation amount than you otherwise would have, if any at all. By working with an experienced car accident lawyer, you can utilize their wealth of knowledge to get the settlement you deserve.
Dealing with Insurance Companies
Insurance companies are notorious for taking advantage of people and finding ways to get out of giving them the compensation they are entitled to. Lawyers have plenty of experience dealing with insurance adjusters and will negotiate on your behalf to ensure that you receive a fair compensation for your car accident.
Proving Negligence
In most personal injury cases, proving negligence is a critical piece of the puzzle. It can also be incredibly difficult to do so without the help of an experienced attorney. The success of your case will depend on whether or not you are able to prove negligence, which your lawyer will do on your behalf.
Supporting Your Claim
In any car accident case, your claim is only as strong as the evidence you have to back it up. By thoroughly investigating your case, your attorney will collect evidence to support your claim.
From accident reports and medical records to photos and witness statements, an experienced car accident lawyer will make sure you have everything you need to win your case.
Taking Your Case to Court
If the negotiations don’t go as planned, your car accident lawyer will help you file a court case and ensure that all of the paperwork is in order. On your court date, they will be able to present your evidence and utilize their skill and knowledge to give you the best possible chance at a positive outcome.
Best Car Accident Lawyers in Phoenix, AZ
If you or a loved one have recently been in a car accident, the first and most important step is to consult with a skilled Phoenix car accident lawyer. Our team will guide you through this difficult process and ensure that you get the compensation you deserve.
With our Aggressive Compassion Representation, we promise to aggressively pursue the best possible outcome for your case while treating you with the utmost compassion. Contact us today to set up a free consultation with one of our top-rated Phoenix car accident attorneys.

What Are the Most Common Injuries From Car Accidents?
All over the world, accidents happen every day. In 2020, there were 98,778 motor vehicle crashes in Arizona alone that resulted in 28,610 injuries. As car accident attorneys, we are often asked ‘what are the most common injuries from car accidents?’
Injuries sustained from car accidents can range from whiplash and bone fractures to traumatic brain injuries and even death. Today, our legal team is explaining some of the most common injuries from car accidents to be aware of.
Neck and Back Injuries
Neck and back injuries are easily the most common types of injuries from car accidents. This includes a wide range of issues like whiplash and spinal cord injuries.
While neck and back injuries can start out seeming minor, they can manifest into more serious problems later on. In some cases, they even turn into lifelong complications.
Broken Bones and Fractures
The physical impact of a car crash can be brutal on the body, which oftentimes leads to broken bones and fractures. Arms, wrists, legs, ribs, and ankles are some of the most commonly broken and fractured bones that result from car accidents.
These types of injuries can vary in severity, but are generally fixable within a few months. However, they can still cause a tremendous amount of pain and hefty medical bills.
Internal Injuries
When a car crash takes place, the force of the impact can push your body into an object or cause you to be hit by flying debris. This often causes damage to internal organs, which can lead to internal bleeding and requires immediate medical attention.
Brain Injuries
If you suffer a blow to the head in a car accident, you may suffer a traumatic brain injury. This happens when great physical impact to the head damages or destroys delicate brain tissue.
Traumatic brain injuries can lead to permanent difficulties with cognitive skills, movement, and the ability to work. As with any other injury, brain injuries can range from mild to severe. While some only cause short-term issues, others can lead to a lifetime of pain, frustration, and costly medical bills.
Wrongful Death
When the negligence or recklessness of a driver causes a fatality of the driver or a passenger in the car they hit, this is called wrongful death. In 2020, there were 970 fatal motor vehicle crashes in Arizona.
This obviously causes a tremendous amount of pain and suffering to the loved ones of the deceased, so there is often significant compensation involved to help ease the family through the grieving process.
Top-Rated Car Accident Attorneys in Phoenix, AZ
If you or a loved one have recently been in a car accident, the first step is to consult with a skilled Phoenix car accident attorney. We will work to guide you through this difficult process and ensure that you get the compensation you are owed.
With our Aggressive Compassion Representation, we promise to aggressively pursue the best possible outcome for your case while treating you with the highest levels of compassion and respect. Contact us today to set up a free consultation with one of our top-rated Phoenix car accident attorneys.

Arizona Car Accident Statistics
Accidents are, unfortunately, part of life. In Arizona, vehicle accidents happen every day. In 2020 alone, there were 98,778 total crashes in the state of Arizona. While this number is lower than the number of crashes in years past, a large part of that is due to COVID-19 keeping many people at home more often than ever before.
By learning more about the facts surrounding Arizona car accident statistics, you can better understand the dangers of the road and take every precaution needed to stay safe. Knowing why accidents happen can help you to minimize the risk you face.
If you have been involved in an accident that was caused by the negligence of another party, you should consult with a car accident attorney as early on as possible. Our team of legal experts at The Law Office of Zayed Al-Sayyed are here to guide you through the legal process and ensure that you get the best possible outcome for your case.
Overview of Vehicle Crash Statistics in Arizona
Each year, the Arizona Department of Transportation releases a comprehensive report of motor vehicle crash facts pertaining to the state. Through this report, we are able to learn a great deal about the types of accidents that take place, the impacts these accidents have, and how they can be prevented in the future.
Below is a brief overview of Arizona’s 2020 crash statistics:
- Urban – 85,244
- Rural – 13,534
- Alcohol Related – 4,506
- Pedestrian – 1,523
- Pedalcycle – 830
- Motorcycle – 2,317
- Single Vehicle – 17,766
- Multi-Vehicle – 81,012
As you can see, the majority of Arizona car accidents in 2020 took place in urban areas. This is not uncommon, as these areas have the highest populations and therefore the highest concentration of vehicles on the roads.
Crash Victim Statistics
Of the 98,778 vehicle accidents that took place in Arizona in 2020, 28,610 of them resulted in injuries and 970 resulted in fatalities. 35,155 of the total number of people injured occurred in urban crashes and 2,863 injuries were the result of an alcohol-related crash.
Alcohol continues to play a significant role in Arizona car accidents, as the statistics show us year after year. It’s important to note that alcohol is not just a prevalent cause of accidents in Arizona, but all over the country.
Here are some 2020 Arizona crash victim statistics to be aware of:
- Approximately 2.89 people were killed each day.
- Approximately 113 people were injured each day.
- 13,512 vehicle crashes involved a hit and run driver.
- Alcohol-related crashes accounted for 16.8 percent of all fatal crashes.
- 57,204 people involved in motor vehicle crashes did not have a valid driver’s license.
- Children under the age of 14 accounted for 2,104 injuries and 41 fatalities.
Fatal Accident Statistics
Year after year, holidays like Memorial Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas prove to be fatal for drivers and passengers across the nation. Arizona is no exception.
In 2020, there were 11 fatal crashes on Memorial Day and 12 fatal crashes on Thanksgiving alone. Understanding the dangers of driving on holidays and the importance of driving properly at all times can help us to stay safe on the roads.
Below are some of the most notable statistics regarding fatal accidents in Arizona:
- There were 970 fatal crashes in 2020, 163 of which were alcohol-related.
- 587 fatal crashes took place in urban areas.
- 337 people were killed in speed-related crashes.
- 208 drivers involved in fatal accidents were under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
- 235 pedestrians were killed in fatal motor vehicle accidents.
- 160 people were killed in motor vehicle accidents involving motorcycles.
Types of Arizona Vehicle Accidents
As you could likely guess, alcohol and speed are two of the most significant factors in motor vehicle crashes. This is not only the case in Arizona, but all over the country. That being said, there are many other factors that come into play as well.
Below are some of the most important statistics to be aware of, regarding types of Arizona vehicle accidents in 2020:
- January was the peak month for all motor vehicle crashes.
- Friday was the peak day for all motor vehicle crashes.
- The hour between 4PM and 5PM was the peak time for all motor vehicle crashes.
- February and September were the peak months for all fatal crashes.
- Friday, February 14th (Valentine’s Day) was the peak date in 2020 for all motor vehicle crashes.
- The hour between 6PM and 7PM was the peak time for all alcohol-related motor vehicle crashes.
- Daylight was the most common time of day for accidents, accounting for 67,043 of all motor vehicle crashes.
Economic Losses from Arizona Vehicle Crashes
Many people don’t realize what an enormous impact vehicle crashes have on Arizona’s economy. Car accidents come with a tremendous cost in property damage, medical bills, and inability to work. In 2020, Arizona motor vehicle crashes accounted for $17.193 billion in total economic losses to the state.
Below are the statewide economic losses that Arizona faced in 2020 due to motor vehicle accidents:
- Fatalities – $10,057,747,147
- Suspected Serious Injuries – $1,695,536,920
- Suspected Minor Injuries – $2,443,229,556
- Possible Injuries – $2,257,534,615
- Property Damage Only – $739,034,640
Top-Rated Car Accident Attorneys in Phoenix, AZ
If you or a loved one has been involved in a motor vehicle accident in Arizona, it’s important to reach out to a licensed car accident attorney. When you work with the skilled attorneys at The Law Office of Zayed Al-Sayyed, you are guaranteed the Aggressive Compassionate Representation we are known for.
We will aggressively pursue the best achievable outcome for your case, while treating you and your loved ones with the utmost respect and compassion. Contact us today to set up a free consultation with one of our top-rated Phoenix car accident attorneys.

Is Arizona a Comparative Negligence State?
Personal injury cases are often centered around proving negligence. In many accidents, injuries are caused by the negligent actions of another party. If you’ve been involved in an accident due to the negligence of someone else, you may be able to obtain compensation through a personal injury lawsuit.
However, this forces us to ask the question, ‘is Arizona a comparative negligence state?’ It’s essential to understand Arizona’s comparative negligence laws before taking on a personal injury lawsuit with your attorney.
At The Law Office of Zayed Al-Sayyed, we see the life-altering impact that accidents can have on individuals and their families every day. Today, our Phoenix personal injury lawyers are breaking down comparative negligence in Arizona.
What is Comparative Negligence?
In the most simple of terms, comparative negligence is a rule that involves allocating damages when both parties are somewhat at fault in an incident. Let’s say you have been involved in a car accident where someone else is found to be at fault.
You have been awarded $50,000 in compensation. However, if you were found to be partially at fault –10% at fault, let’s say– then you would only receive $45,000 in compensation. The rule of comparative negligence says that even if you are partially at fault, you can still be awarded compensation.
Keep in mind that the total amount of compensation you would be able to receive in this case is dependent on how much fault you are found to be at. In order to successfully prove that the other party was negligent, your attorney will need to prove the following:
- The other party owed you a duty of care.
- The aforementioned duty of care was breached in a provable way.
- Actions of the other party caused injury or damages to you.
- The negligent actions of the other party caused you to sustain some type of loss, such as medical bills or pain and suffering.
Comparative Negligence in Arizona
Every state has different laws surrounding comparative negligence. In Arizona, we follow the doctrine of comparative negligence, which dictates that an injured party may recover compensation even if they maintain partial fault for the accident.
Under Arizona law, the injured party can be up to 99% at fault for the incident and still recover compensation. This is dependent on a variety of factors and the outcome is unique to each specific case, so it’s important to work closely with a skilled attorney who can help you achieve the most favorable outcome for your case.
Top-Rated Personal Injury Lawyers in Phoenix, AZ
If you or a loved one have recently been in an accident and are considering a personal injury lawsuit, it’s important to reach out to an experienced personal injury attorney. When you work with the top-rated attorneys at The Law Office of Zayed Al-Sayyed, you are guaranteed the Aggressive Compassionate Representation we are known for.
We will aggressively pursue the best possible outcome for your case while treating you and your loved ones with the utmost respect and compassion. Contact us today to set up a free consultation with one of our top-rated Phoenix car accident attorneys.