What is Considered a Violent Crime in Arizona?
Violent crimes in Arizona are serious offenses, coming with severe consequences, like a life sentence, even for first-time offenders. When you think of violent crimes, murder and manslaughter might come to mind. However, there are other charges, like kidnapping and domestic violence, that are also considered violent crimes in Arizona.
In this article, we’ll cover the basics of violent crimes, including the common types. Remember, if you are involved in a violent crime case, contact a qualified criminal attorney right away. You don’t want to implicate yourself on charges on accident.
Violent Crimes are More Aggressively Pursued by Police
By definition, a violent crime includes any criminal act that results in death or physical injury or uses a deadly weapon or dangerous weapon. Given the severity, police and prosecution often dedicate more time to pursuing alleged offenders.
The police will carefully investigate the crime scene and document all evidence that traces back to the perpetrator. Witnesses will be thoroughly interviewed, and the prosecution will begin putting together a picture of what happened.
If you are questioned by police relating to a violent crime, remain silent. The police are trained in interview tactics, meaning they might extract a confession even if you didn’t commit the crime. Contact an experienced criminal defense attorney before you talk to the police.
Types of Violent Crime in Arizona
There are many different types of violent crime in Arizona, including:
Armed Robbery
Armed robbery involves taking someone’s property using a deadly weapon or dangerous instrument. Even if you aren’t using a real weapon, like a toy gun, you can still be charged with armed robbery. Armed robbery is a class 2 felony in Arizona.
Domestic Violence
Contrary to what you might think, domestic violence is not a crime in itself. Domestic violence is a designation placed on a crime when a proven relationship between two parties is broken. This goes beyond the relationship of a married couple and can include exes, family members, roommates, and crimes involving children. Violent crimes that prove that the domestic relationship has been broken can come with more severe punishments.
Aggravated Assault
Aggravated assault takes misdemeanor assault to the felony level. Arizona law is broad in its definition of aggravated assault, including the intention to commit a serious assault and when an adult commits a crime against a minor under the age of 15. Aggravated assault can also occur against certain professions, like police officers and nurses.
Manslaughter is a step down from murder that involves the death of a person without the intent to kill. For example, driving recklessly and hitting a pedestrian. The intention wasn’t specifically to hit and kill the pedestrian, resulting in manslaughter. Manslaughter is a serious charge and can come with severe consequences based on the specifics of the situation.
Murder is the most common type of violent crime, resulting in the death of another individual. Murder is generally intentional, with planning ahead, known as premeditation, or by engaging in actions that you know will result in the death of another. Arizona does have a death penalty in place, meaning certain crimes may be eligible for capital punishment.
Violent Crimes Criminal Attorney
When you are involved in any type of violent crime charge, you need to have an experienced criminal attorney on your side. Reach out to a team member at The Law Office of Zayed Al-Sayyed today to schedule your free consultation.

Zayed Al-Sayyed
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