Is Arizona a Pedestrian State?
Arizona has right of way laws in place to protect both pedestrians and motorists, with some of the highest numbers of pedestrian accidents in the nation. Understanding applicable pedestrian laws can help you reduce your risk of an accident and bring a comprehensive case forward when seeking compensatory damages.
What Right of Way Laws Must Pedestrians Follow in Arizona?
Arizona pedestrians must abide by fewer laws compared to motorists. Nevertheless, adhering to these regulations can significantly reduce the number of accidents in Arizona. Pedestrian laws can be broken down into two main categories: road crossings and sidewalks.
Road Crossing
Arizona laws prohibit jaywalking. This means crossing the road without the proper signal or crossing outside of the designated walkway. Pedestrians are only allowed to cross the roadway at intersections, crosswalks, and designated pedestrian walkways.
If there is no designated walkway, pedestrians can cross the road if they give drivers an adequate amount of time to stop. Accidents that result from last minute crossing of the road are usually the fault of the pedestrian.
If there is a sidewalk present, pedestrians in Arizona must use it. Pedestrians cannot walk on the side of the road when there is a designated walking area. If the sidewalk abruptly ends, the pedestrian is allowed to walk on the actual road on the shoulder. At no point should pedestrians walk in the roadway.
Additionally, pedestrians walking on the roadway must walk in the opposite direction of traffic to ensure motorists have a clear view. Runners and joggers should follow these same rules. If you do need to cross the roadway, follow the above road crossing rules.
Are Cyclists Considered Pedestrians in Arizona?
Cyclists are one of the gray areas of Arizona pedestrian laws. Some motorized vehicles, like automated wheelchairs, fall under the pedestrian category, while bicycles and scooters are classified as hybrid pedestrians.
If a cyclist is on the road, they must follow vehicle rules, but if the cyclist is on the sidewalk, they are subject to pedestrian laws. In Arizona, cyclists are allowed to ride on the sidewalks unless there is an ordinance or sign prohibiting it. For example, Tucson does not allow cyclists to ride on sidewalks.
Cyclists have the ability to choose which side of the sidewalk they ride on. However, if the cyclist is on the roadway, they must ride on the right side of the road, next to the curb unless they are turning. Hand signals and other motions should be used to indicate turning.
When Should You Hire a Pedestrian Accident Lawyer?
If you’ve been involved in a pedestrian accident, it’s important that you hire a pedestrian accident lawyer right away. Arizona has a harsh statute of limitations, meaning you want to bring your claim forward as soon as possible.
Our team at theZlawyer is on standby, ready to help you navigate pedestrian laws. Whether you are at fault, looking to minimize liability, or the victim of a pedestrian accident, our team has you covered. Reach out today to schedule your free consultation.

Zayed Al-Sayyed
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