Arizona Pedestrian Laws and Safety
In Arizona, drivers aren’t the only ones who must abide by traffic laws. To prevent pedestrian injuries and fatalities, there are laws and regulations that pedestrians must follow as well.
Today, our legal experts are revealing the top Arizona pedestrian laws and safety regulations to be aware of. If you aren’t already familiar with our state’s laws regarding pedestrians, this is the blog post for you.
Basic Arizona Pedestrian Laws and Safety
While drivers must always be cautious of pedestrians, the latter have their own laws to follow. Below is a brief overview of Arizona pedestrian laws and safety regulations:
- Pedestrians must follow the directions of traffic control devices, signals, signs, pavement markings, etc.
- If pedestrians are traveling somewhere with a sidewalk, they need to use it. Walking on the road is prohibited if there is a better option.
- If pedestrians are traveling somewhere without a sidewalk, they should walk on the road’s left-side shoulder. (In other words, they should be facing oncoming traffic.)
Intersection Rules for Pedestrians
Navigating intersections can be tricky. Therefore, it’s no surprise they are a frequent site of pedestrian accidents. To stay on the safe side and avoid potential injury, pedestrians should obey traffic signals whenever crossing an intersection.
Generally, pedestrians should not cross or enter the roadway in front of an oncoming car. This is especially true if the driver doesn’t have the time or opportunity to yield. When it is safe to cross, all pedestrians should do so within a crosswalk if available.
They could also use a pedestrian-friendly overhead pass or tunnel. If they choose to do otherwise, vehicles will have the right-of-way. Finally, pedestrians shouldn’t ever cross an intersection diagonally (even if it is the shortest route possible). The only exception would be if the traffic signals explicitly direct them to do so.
Follow the Rules of The Road
It doesn’t matter whether you’re traveling on foot or by car – everyone has to follow the rules of the road. For drivers, this means being extra cautious when pedestrians are present. For pedestrians, this means refraining from standing in the roadway to solicit rides, money, or employment. As a pedestrian, you should never willingly put yourself at risk.
Do Pedestrians Always Have the Right-of-Way?
It’s true that drivers should be cautious when pedestrians are near the road. However, this does not mean that the walker always has the right of way. For example, pedestrians need to wait for a green light or walk signal before crossing an intersection. Additionally, they should not cross outside of a crosswalk, as both situations give the vehicle the right of way.
Top-Rated Pedestrian Attorney in Phoenix, AZ
Do you travel Arizona’s streets on foot? If so, we hope that today’s blog post offered some valuable insight into important Arizona pedestrian laws and safety regulations. Unfortunately, even when all traffic laws are followed, accidents can still occur.
If you or a loved one has experienced a pedestrian accident in Arizona, The Law Office of Zayed Al-Sayyed can help. When you work with us, you gain access to the full force of our Aggressive Compassionate Representation. Contact our team to schedule your free, no-obligation consultation today.

Zayed Al-Sayyed
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